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By using you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you don’t agree with them we strongly advice you to leave the website. offers information about chairs and massage techniques available for the general public. Their accuracy is based on research on specialized books and site to make them more believable and easily understandable to the general public. will not be made responsible for ever loss or damage that you suffer while browsing the website. doesn’t guarantee success in treating of any medical diagnose after using just by using our information and products available on this site. The information we offer isn’t accurate enough to be used as real life advice. will not be held responsible for any material or content this site has to offer. You can use this information for personal use. This is under a commercial use license and thus cannot be used in commercial purposes.
Visitors browse on their own decision and responsibility. All of the information provided on the site are created to inform the general public about our product. They have no guarantee over their accuracy.
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